It is intriguing to notice the nature of us – the lesser mortals. I seriously doubt if I explicitly need to qualify the word mortals with the adjective “lesser” when there are concrete reasons for the fact that it goes without saying. The recent Mumbai carnage has really been shocking and it is has left a deep scar in the hearts of many innocent people for sure but, it once again stands a proof for the sphere of duality that we have encircled for ourselves. The same people who now make the fullest use of their intellectual ability to reason and question the acts and the negligence of our so called Government, have always remained quiescent when no personal loss happened and when some distant compatriot was the sufferer. In Independent India (except for the liberation of a few thousand issues like communalism, terrorism, capitalism……..I still wish to term my country as Independent) egotism has outraced patriotism. Our reluctance to stand up for our fellow citizen’s cause against our own fellow men is still the reason for us being done in by even lesser mortals like the terrorists and politicians. It is comical to even think about using phrases like lesser mortals, even lesser mortals etc…. but, I find nothing wrong in doing so, for we as Human beings are constantly on the lookout for bastardizing Humanity. My intention here is not to vilify the human race in totality but to talk reality. Now that I have given an introduction about human nature for those of you who don’t know (Ahem…) lets narrow down on my intention.
I started this piece of blog on the first day of the Mumbai attack and due to unprecedented events happening in the due course I mean, I had my VII semester and I had no other option but to delay the completion of this posting. I guess some of you might be wondering how could semesters stretch to a span of one month or more then, all I can tell you is “If you are under Anna University everything is possible”. The subsequent proceedings of the Government conveys a rather humiliating sign that we pretend to sleep until our as*** are on fire. This is not the first time our neighbors have failed to check whom they call “non state actors”. This is not the first time the noble terrorists who fight for a greater noble cause have intruded into our border. In fact, the intrusion is so deep that they don’t find it tough even to peep into our parliament, which is the rendezvous of our legally elected terrorists who meet up quite often, if not to devise beneficial measures to their compatriots but, at least to drive the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha speaker crazy. To be fair enough we, as the masses need to take the brunt of the blame. Ignorance might be bliss in many aspects but, it is not when it comes to electing your state’s and country’s representatives. When you know that the gentlemen clad in white are no better than the tidily attired terrorists, why do you have to cast your vote in favor of them? If prohibition of the fundamental right of a citizen is a crime, so is exercising the same right for a wrong cause.
Communalism is worse than terrorism and the politicians are adept at exploiting it. The public of Maharastra remained mute when Raj Thackrey proclaimed that no non-maharastrian should stay in the state. No one gave a damn about what was said and what was done. Every one of us saw footages of many innocent non-maharastrian being beaten up by Raj Thackeray’s men. Even the Bachans were not spared. Every crime in this country is candid and each one of us know the entire story behind it and the men behind the screen as well but we seem to ignore it. Not once or twice but it happens so regularly that some even say “chod dho yaar, yeh tho mamooli hae”. Are we consciously blind or are we so self absorbed that we adorn patriotism and religious tolerance only for a cricket match. I certainly respect those few unbiased and patriotic souls who lost their lives fighting to save others. The aftermath of the terrorist attacks were even more disheartening. One politician quotes “But for the NSG commander even, dog wouldn’t visit your home”, and this statement was the only commiseration that the politician could afford to a dad who lost his only son, a major aged 31 who died fighting the terrorists. Another politician even goes to the extent of saying that the death of one of the policemen is politically motivated. Our politicians even go to the extent of opting such down market ploy to bank the election votes.
Human values seem to be an outdated commodity. I have always said and believed that Darwin was a prophecy. It’s down to the survival of the fittest. An unwritten rule that speaks little about human values and more about materialism, inconsiderateness has embedded itself in our consciousness.
If innocent lives have to be massacred,
If blood is the only answer to wash our opacity from kindness,
If a perpetrator is the only teacher who could teach us the wisdom of oneness then
None is holier-than-thou.